Tooth Extractions for Adults

Bleeding: Bite on gauze with moderate pressure for twenty minutes. Remove the gauze and check to see if the bleeding has stopped. (Note, the gauze and the top of the hole will look red, which does not mean it is bleeding.) If there is blood pooling up in the saliva or if there is blood coming from the extraction site, then it is still bleeding. Replace the gauze for another twenty minutes and repeat as necessary. The more active you are, the longer it will take for the bleeding to stop.

Pain: Following an extraction you can expect mild to moderate discomfort. Whatever you take for a headache is a good starting point to control the discomfort. It is best to stay ahead of possible ensuing pain as it is easier to control lower levels of pain. At My Smile Care, Dr. Dheeraj Pamidimukkala and Dr. Deepak Shinde will discuss approaches how to manage possible pain. If you are having pain following your tooth extraction in Westford, Massachusetts, speak with our dentists by calling our dental office at 978-692-6326.

Home Care: On the day of the extraction gently brush your teeth and very gently expectorate. Starting on the second day (not the first day) gently swish warm water across the extraction site and gently expectorate. Do this for three days.

Protecting the Blood Clot: The blood clot is delicate, like a cork in a bottle. For four days after the extraction, avoid negative pressures that could dislodge the clot such as: drinking through a straw, sucking, smoking and forcefully expectorating.

Eating: No significant precautions. Bumping into the extraction site may make you uncomfortable but will typically not interfere with healing.

Ice: For a routine extraction ice is generally not needed. If the extraction was remarkable ice will help to minimize swelling. Apply ice to the area for ten minutes and then off for ten minutes. You can do this for several hours.